Page 59 - Cyprus Today_2013_January-March

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garding the role of the actor in theatre. Does an
actor merely play a role and memorise text, or
does he identify with the subject matter expressed
on the stage and adopt a personal stance? The play
was taken off due to pressure from the actors,
some of whom refused to appear in it.
Before long, Israeli theatre masse warmly em-
braced Hanoch Levin, and the scathing plays he
wrote and directed became popular faire for most
Israeli stages and audiences.
Cameri Theatre became Hanoch Levin’s home
theatre. Following Hanoch’s passing in August
of 1999, the Cameri Theatre founded the Institute
of Israeli Drama in his name, documenting and
promoting his works throughout the world and
serving as a centre for the fostering and study of
Modern Israeli theatre.
The man who made a point by avoiding inter-
views left behind hundreds of studies, articles and
quotations from his writings and plays.
Levin spent his last days in the hospital room (that
became an impromptu rehearsal room) rehearsing
the play
with the Cameri Theatre actors.
Hanoch Levin, playwright, director, author, poet,
visionary, creator, and a man who with his plays
knew how to lead us through a mysterious laby-
rinth of mirrors, snippets of life’s small pleasures
at one end, and fear of oblivion at the other.