Page 24 - Cyprus Today_2013_January-March

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the works that are on display.
They attempted to present us with images that
have visual ambitions, thematic originality
and aesthetic pursuit. They all sought out the
defining moment and pursued the special, the
unique, and the distinct. If they achieved it, it
will become clear through the applause.
We express warm congratulations to our artist
photographers. It is evident that they set the bar
very high. And they did well to do so. Only thus
is progress achieved.
The competition
All of us at the CPS Nicosia branch try to im-
prove the procedures year on year, and upgrade
the means we use in order to achieve more suc-
cessful and sound events. This year especially,
we have been equipped with an electronic de-
vice to grade the images in the competition. I
feel the need to say a few words on the proce-
dure for the contestants.
The entries are made digitally, anonymously
and with the use of codes. Each image is given a
serial number. When the judges are convening,
the photographs are projected and each judge
uses an individual control panel to grade them
from 1 to 10. A computer equipped with spe-
cial software records the grades and then puts
them in order of the best scores. The organisers
then decide the number of photos that will be
exhibited. So if 50 images are chosen from the
monochrome topic, it will be the first 50. In the
event that there is a tie, the two images are pre-
sented to the judges again, who decide which
ones will be selected.
The judges decide who the winners will be by
examining the first 15 photos. The contestants’
names are revealed at the end and they are in-
formed on the grades their photos received.”
Special thanks were given to the Cultural Services
of the Ministry of Education and Culture, for al-
ways supporting the CPS’ efforts; the Municipal-
ity of Nicosia for providing the venue; the Cyprus
Broadcasting Corporation for sponsoring the ex-
hibition; the companyA.Tsielepis Reference Pho-
tography Ltd, which offered a €800 Leica camera
to the photographer with the most successes; as
well as Andreas Alexandrou and George Oratios
for helping manage the software system.
Experimental Photography: 1
prize - Broken Body by
Christos Christofides
Experimental Photography: 3
prize - “Time girl” by
Christos Christofides
Experimental Photography: 2
prize - “The Path” by Voula
Savvidou, AFIAP