Page 47 - CyprusToday_2012_October-December

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ists offered creative solutions in various forms of
communication that touched people at deeper lev-
els of consciousness and served as a springboard
for confronting the issues that continue to face hu-
manity, both locally and in the world at large.
Vertical Journeys III by Marlen Karletidou
“Vertical Journeys III, from the
Vertical Dreams
ries, deals with the DREAM as an idea, as an ex-
perience and expectation. The dream illustrates the
‘vertical journeys’ of the mind, of the emotions and
the soul; it moves between two levels, the conscious
and the subconscious. Seen and painted through a
surrealistic approach, the dream sets our fantasies
free, develops the human consciousness and may
finally lead us into a new reality. In this painting an
ideal environment is created in which people, ani-
mals and nature coexist in harmony. The repetition
of a horse design on the cotton fabric underpins the
composition by creating a friendly and supportive
environment, an atmosphere of positive, protective
and flowing energies. The element of water sets a
diagonal dynamic in the composition. The woman
standing on her hands is supported by two horses –
she is a bridge that joins two worlds. The handstand,
the boywith the cat, thewoman inwhite and theman
in black compose an imaginative, flowing shape of
an S, defining the infinite energy in the universe.”
Marlen Karletidou was born in 1962 in Nicosia
and lives and works in Cyprus. She has exhibited
her work in 14 solo shows and has participated in
various international group exhibitions and bien-
nales. She was awarded a prize in drawing at the
Biennale of Alexandria, Egypt in 1994.
Surrogate Mother byAndreas Paraskeva
“As a cinematographic lens brings pictorial nar-
rative to a standstill, it focuses on a mother in a
boat; she is carrying an infant, sailing to a new
land for a better future. It depicts the sacrifices of
people seeking a way to survive, people who will
bring new life and new blood to add to the chain
of human life. The world is in the midst of a great
turn: borders are falling and the future is unknown,
but there is hope for humanity. History will prove
again that the light of humanisation will light our
way out of desolation and torment. We are thus
Vertical Journeys III 2010, acrylics & textile colors on a
designed cotton fabric, 190 x 66 cm - Marlen Karletidou