Animation: Jonas Odell, Per Helin, Marcus
Krupa, Susanne Sturesson, Martin Nyberg, Jo-
han Sonestedt, Mikael Lindbom, Jakob Bast-
viken, Lindor Tidäng, Kaspar Christophersen
Cast: Malin Buska, Camaron Silverek
Recent history from a personal angle, a rela-
tionship and a string of events viewed through
one person’s eyes.
(Poland 2009, 30 min, fiction
– EFA Short Film Nominee Grimstad 2010)
Direction/ Script: Katarzyna Klimkiewicz
Direction of Photography: Andrzej
Editing: Andrzej Dąbrowski
Music: Marzena Majcher
Sound: Paulina Bocheńska, Kamil Radzisze-
wski, Jarek Wójcik
Production: Bogusław Kisielewski, Kino Polska
Co-production: Mastershot Studio, Association
Film 1,2, Katarzyna Klimkiewicz, Munk Stu-
dio – Polish Filmmakers Association
Cast: Thu Ha Mai, Le Thanh Hunh, Michał
Podsiadło, Klaudia Barcik, Przemek Modlisze-
wski, Viet Dung, Łukasz Pruchniewicz, Tran
Thi Thanh Minh, Irwin Wojciechowski
Smuggled across borders, cheated by immoral
intermediaries, trailed by police, at the mercy
of foreigners…such is the fate of illegal im-
migrants from Vietnam who try to settle in Po-
land. Among them is young Mai Anh, whose
boyfriend works at a bazaar in Warsaw. Their
reunion in this foreign country will not come to
pass as they had imagined…
María’s Way
(UK/Spain, 16 min, documentary
– EFA Short Film Nominee Edinburgh 2010)
Direction/ Production/Editing: Anne Milne
Cinematography: Julian Krubasik
Sound Recording, Translation: Hannah Hüglin
Dub Mix: Rob Walker
Colour: John Sackey
María’s Way
is a documentary which gives au-
diences a glimpse into the ways of modern pil-
grims and into the life of a woman who awaits
their arrival along her small slice of the Camino
de Santiago.
Talleres Clandestinos
2010, 40 min, fiction – EFA Short Film Nomi-
nee Vila do Conde 2010)
Script/ Direction: Catalina Molina
Director of Photography: Klemens Hufnagl
Production: David Bohun
Art Direction: Carolina Mardones
Editing: Matthias Halibrand
Sound: Juan José Suárez
Sound Design: Ina Nokolow
Music: Patrik Lerchmüller
Main Cast: Juan José Choque, Juana Salgueiro,
David Bracamonte, Sandra Rocha
A job as a seamstress tempts Juana, a young
Bolivian woman, to neighbouring Argentina,
while her husband and child remain behind. It
doesn’t take long for the illusion of financial
gain to evaporate – her employer, a producer
of textiles for a luxury brand, exploits Juana,
forcing her to endure unbearable working con-
ditions and making absurd demands of her.
When her son falls ill, Juana begins planning to
return to Bolivia, but as far as her employer is
concerned she will not be leaving Argentina…
Rendez-vous à StellaPlage
(France 2009, 18
min, fiction – EFA Short Film Nominee Sara-
jevo 2010)
Script, Direction: Shalimar Preuss
Production: Ecce Films, Emmanuel Chaume
Photography: Elin Kirschfink
Sound: Olivier Touche
Editing: Antoine Scannapiego