Crossroads: FromThrace
and the Black Sea to Cyprus –
FromTradition to the Rebetiko
(24 September, Municipal Garden Theatre,
Lemesos; 25 September, Skali Aglantzia)
Αmusical performance encompassing all areas of
the Greek world,
is a voyage through
traditional songs from Cyprus to Epirus, from
Thrace and Pontos to Crete, from Smyrna to the
Aegean Sea, from the deep past to the present day.
It is a voyage to places and periods connected by
speech, poetry and texts, from the folk tradition to
the Rebetiko – traditional dances, performed in
traditional costumes, remind the audience of how
Hellenism was expressed in different locales dur-
ing different eras.
Limassol Folklore Association
was founded
in the summer of 1977. With the wounds of the
recent Turkish invasion still fresh, the Association
was created with a vision of protecting and pro-
jecting the pure cultural tradition of Cyprus and
passing on this rich tradition to younger genera-
The Dance Group has won numerous awards
at international folk dancing festivals, includ-
ing festivals in Dijon, France (1980), Middles-
brough, England (1988) and Zakopane, Poland
(1999). The Association participates in festi-
vals and artistic event every year in Cyprus
and abroad, along with its affiliated Children’s
Dance Groups. The Association also produces
music and dance programs that feature songs and
dances from different areas in Greece, including
Dances of the Hellenes
A Stroll through Tradi-
Uprooted Civilisations
Easter of the Hel-
Remembering Yesterday
At the Wedding
of Karagiozis
. For some of these productions
the Association collaborates with well-known
Greek artists such as Domna Samiou, Chronis
Aedonides, Katerina Papadopoulou, Panagiotis
Lalezas, Nikos Filippides and his orchestra, the
orchestra of Thanasis Serkos, and others. Since
1993 the Limassol Folklore Association has or-
ganised the biannual International Children’s
Festival of Folk Dances – the event, which hosts
children’s dance groups from all over the world,
has become a tradition.
The Limassol FolkloreAssociation places tremen-
dous emphasis on high quality presentations of au-
thentic Cypriot music and dance. Some of the As-
sociation’s activities include research, collection,
recording, processing materials and maintaining
close contact with specialized folk researchers.
As a result of its efforts, the Association houses
an impressive wardrobe of authentic traditional
costumes and true copies from various parts of
Greece and Cyprus, a film archive and a collection
of photographs.
Yiorgos Tziortzis
was born in Laka Souliou in
Epirus in 1953. At the age of twelve he took the
road to Giannena and Athens, where he found the
bouzouki, the guitar and folk music. He studied
Production Credits
: Katerina Papadopoulou, Nikos
Philippides, Orchestra Rebetiki Kompania, “SER-
RA” Pontian Dance Association and the actor
Takis Vamvakides
Music direction
: Yiorgos Tziortzis
General production direction
: Konstantinos