Terra Mediterranea–In Crisis Programme
erra Mediterranea–In Crisis is a contempo-
rary art program organised by the Nicosia
Municipal Arts Centre and the Pierides Founda-
tion under the auspices of the Cyprus Presidency
of the Council of the EU. Aside from the Terra
Mediterranea–In Crisis contemporary art exhibi-
tion, curated by Yiannis Toumazis at the Nicosia
Municipal Arts Centre [Old Power House], the
project includes a second contemporary art exhi-
bition, [at Maroudia’s], curated by the Re Aphro-
dite team at the Ethnological Museum–House of
Hadjigeorgakis Kornesios. An educational and
academic programme accompanies the two exhi-
bitions. The project also includes a special edition
of the journal
The Cyprus Dossier
, a monthly se-
ries of social and food events and interventions in
public spaces.
Terra Mediterranea–In Crisis
Curator: Yiannis Toumazis at the Nicosia Munici-
pal Arts Centre [Old Power House]
TerraMediterranea–InCrisis, at theNicosiaMunici-
pal Arts Centre, attempts to detect, investigate and
present contemporary artists’ reflections on today’s
universal economic, political, religious and social
scenes, in tandemwith a deep existential crisis.
The Mediterranean is both an enclosed sea and,
in essence, a political space. It has operated as a
conduit for “transferring energy” from the Ori-
ent to the Occident and from the Occident to the
Orient since ancient times. This transfer has in-
cluded peoples, innovative ideas and ideologies,
in times of war and peace. Our current global
economic crisis is recognised as having a uni-
versal effect on socio-political, economic, ethnic
4 July – 30 December 2012