Page 15 - CyprusToday_2012_July-September

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ricultural wealth of the island. Visitors to the ex-
hibition revel in the colours and the icons, in the
photographs and maps that depict and describe the
“Sweet Land of Cyprus,” that sing of it. As a spe-
cial feature, visitors experience the unique charac-
ter of the art of Cyprus and its people through a va-
riety of local publications that have been digitised
andmade available on touchscreens throughout the
“Because all is moving and all can be explained,”
as the 15
century Cypriot chronicler Leontios
Machairas wrote, the Government of Cyprus and
the BOZAR Centre for Fine Arts hosted this cel-
ebration of the history and culture of Cyprus in
Brussels, the heart and administrative centre of the
EU, from 22 June to 9 September 2012, at the BO-
ZAR Centre.
Introduction by Curator
“Because all things pass and all things that happen
are recounted...”
The small island of Cyprus at the eastern edge of
the Mediterranean played an important role in the
dissemination, exchange and transfer of the civili-
A view of the Othello Room installation
The last section of the exhibition with the photo and text related to the establishment of the Republic of Cyprus