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city where the young and rich will spend what-
ever it takes to get what they want, Thomas
provides them with a service no one else will.
(Germany 2009, 14 min, fiction – EFA
Short Film Nominee Valladolid 2010)
Direction: Giulio Ricciarelli
Screenplay: Soern Menning
Direction of Photography: Max Penzel
Editing: Wolfgang Weigl
Costume Design: Jürgen Knoll, SFK
Production Design: Sven Gessner, Petra Ring-
Music: Alessandro Ricciarelli
Production: Sabine Lamby, Cornelia Partmann
Cast: Lisa Martinek, Johann von Bülow, Sven
Walser, Beat Marti
is a comedy, the story of a small-town
police officer who dreams of being a hero. His
only problem is his peaceful village, at the end
of the world, offers him no opportunity for
heroism. So he decides to take matters into his
own hands.
Joseph’s Snails
(France 2009, 12 min, anima-
tion – EFA Short Film Nominee Cork 2010)
Director/ Screenplay: Sophie Roze
Camera: Sara Sponga
Puppets: David Thomasse, David Roussel
Backgrounds: Maëlle Bossard, Fabienne Col-
let, Jeanne Hadorn, Aurélie Charles
Animation: Pierre-Luc Granjon, Gilles Coirier,
Elmer Kaan, Cédric Mercier
Compositing: Mathieu Brisebras
Music: Nicolas Bernard
Editing: Colombe Nicolas
Sound: Loïc Bürkhardt, Julien Baissat, Loïc
Joseph is a shy, introverted little boy who col-
lects snails. One day he gets swallowed up by
his own navel and discovers the disturbing
world of the “navel-gazers”, people who, by
only communicating with their navels, curl in
on themselves and turn into snails...
Stay, Away
(The Netherlands 2009, 24 min,
fiction – EFA Short Film Nominee Angers 20
Script/ Direction: Paloma Aguilera Valde-
Production: Connie Pingen, Ruth Heida
Direction of Photography: Menno Mans
Editing: Saskia Kievits
Production Design: Anna-Anna Soeters, Sanne
van der Hoeven
Lights: Robbie van Brussel
Sound: Evelien van der Molen
Main Cast: Katrien van Beurden, Raymond
Thiry, Caro de Jonge
Five story fragments about the problems be-
tween three family members, in particular the
struggle of the mother, who is split between her
partner and her daughter.
Out of Love
(Denmark 2009, 29 min, docu-
mentary fiction – EFA Short Film Nominee
Rotterdam 2010)
Direction: Birgitte Stærmose
Script: Peter Asmussen
Production: Jesper Morthorst
Cinematography: Marek Septimus Wieser
Editing: Anne Østerud
Sound Design: Kristian Eidnes Andersen
Compositing: Jomi Massage
Fusing documentary and fiction,
Out of Love
depicts the lives of children trying to survive
the aftermath of war in Kosovo by selling ciga-
rettes on the street. Through monologues per-
formed by the children against the eerie back-
drops of Pristina, the film tells their sad, grip-
ping stories of memory, loss and fear.