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on the programme. In 1884
Gustav Mahler
24 years-old and recovering from a great roman-
tic disappointment and a personal crisis when he
started working on his first symphony; he surely
drew inspiration from his experiences – the work
originally bore the title
Symphonic Poem
. The
poet, deeply hurt, finds solace in the spring awak-
ening of nature. He follows his path with full sails,
confronts his infernal desperation, fights a titanic
battle and finally triumphs.
Mahler grew up in Bohemia, far from the niceties
and sophistication of aristocratic life, and it was
here he heard and assimilated all kinds of music –
folk and popular songs, dances, marches andmuch
else. A multitude of elements from this very ap-
proachable music are incorporated and developed
in his personal musical idiom, his symphonies and
songs. His first symphony especially teems with
fine melodies, melodies which are occasionally
spontaneous and fresh, occasionally ironic and
sometimes moving and introspective.
Piotr Tchaikovsky
was older than Mahler when
his disastrous marriage of three weeks precipitat-
ed his mental collapse and drove him to attempt
suicide. During his recovery on the banks of Lake
Geneva in the spring of 1878 he was inspired by a
visit from his former pupil, violinist Adolph Brod-
sky, to write –with lightning speed– a concerto for
violin and orchestra. Even the best violinists of
the time could not master the technical difficulties
endemic to the solo, and it was declared unplay-
able. Only Brodsky rose to the challenge and, after
studying the concerto for two years, he premiered
it in Vienna, albeit without success. Today, the
concerto has become one of the best loved works
of the classical repertory for violinists and music
lovers alike, not only for its virtuosic display but
also for its attractive theme, which is discreetly im-
bued with the musical spirit of Russia.
Cyprus Youth Symphony Orchestra
founded in 1987 by the Ministry of Education and
Culture as the Cyprus State Youth Orchestra. In
January 2007 the Cyprus Symphony Orchestra
Foundation undertook sponsorship of the orches-
tra, which was renamed the Cyprus Youth Sym-
phony Orchestra. The Orchestra rehearses regu-
larly during the academic year, performs about
three concerts per year, in Cyprus and abroad, and
participates regularly at official events, such as the
opening of the State Educational Fair.
One of the Orchestra’s most important activities
is the annual International Summer Academy, for
students from Cyprus and abroad, which takes
place in the high mountain resort of Pedoulas
with the participation of highly qualified teach-
ers. The International Youth Symphony Orchestra,
which is formed and trained at the Summer Acad-
emy, has given highly acclaimed concerts at the
“Kypria” 2007, 2008 and 2009 Festivals. Since
1990 the Cyprus Youth Symphony Orchestra has
organised the Music Workshop, which offers tal-
ented young musicians free individual tuition on
all orchestral instruments; the Workshop is staffed
mainly by selected members of the Cyprus Sym-
phony Orchestra.
Nikos Gatsos:
100 Years since His Birth
(2 September, Skali Aglantzia; 3 September, Mu-
nicipal Garden Theatre, Lemesos)
100 Years since his Birth
. An anthology of songs
by leading poet and lyricist Nikos Gatsos set to
music by major composers (Hadjidakis, Theo-
dorakis, Xarchakos, etc.), plus new songs from a
number of younger composers.
Nikos Gatsos inspired some of the most impor-