ueen Cleopatra VII is well known as a bril-
liant, beautiful Pharaoh and the lover of two
of the greatest Romans, Julius Caesar and Mark
Anthony. As the last in a three-century line of
Greek rulers in Egypt, she also held sway over
Cyprus, an Egyptian colony at the time of her rule.
* * *
Cyprus is a Greek island in many respects, in spite
of its proximity to the Middle East, which makes
one wonder: which were the years, and what
were the circumstances, that consolidated Greek
influence in this far-flung territory?
The answer is twofold: Greek influence was
consolidated after the assistance the Cypriots gave
the Greeks during the Trojan War, and 900 years
later theGreek language became firmly established
as the language of Cyprus during the reign of
the Ptolemies, which began after Alexander
the Great’s death in 323 BC and the subsequent
division of his empire among his three generals,
Ptolemy, Seleucid andAntigonas Gonatas.
The successful conquest of Cypruswas undertaken
by the man who gave his name to this Alexandria-
basedGreek dynasty,Alexander’s general Ptolemy
The Ptolemies: A Formative Period
For the “Greekness” of Cyprus
By Johan Adler*
* MA (Classical Studies)
The island of Geronisos is situated off the southwest coast of Cyprus opposite the famous Sea Caves of St George. Although inaccessible to
tourists, there have been interesting finds by archaeological teams, and excavation continues on the island. Photo: JohanAdler