Page 39 - CyprusToday_2011_July-September

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duty to do their best in order to overcome
the difficulties. I am sure that we will over-
come them.
Addressing the new Minister, Mr Demetriou
said, “the Minister will have every possible help
from me, either technical or of any other form”.
“This is not the time to talk about the work
of the Ministry; this will be evaluated in the
course of time”, he said. “I think nonetheless
that a lot of steps have been taken towards the
reformation of education and of the Ministry,
and of course many more steps are needed”.
Mr Demetriou thanked his close collabora-
tors and the Ministry staff: “the Minister never
works alone. The collaboration of each and ev-
ery one is a prerequisite for any work that has
been accomplished”.
On behalf of the Ministry’s personnel, the
General Director of the Ministry, Olympia
Stylianou, thanked Mr Demetriou “for his great
contribution to the Ministry and his collabora-
tion with us. In the years of our collaboration a
lot of things have been done. We accomplished
significant goals and advanced important refor-
mations, such as the reformation of the syllabi”.
In closing she declared the staff of the Ministry
ready to support the new Minister in his work
and assured him, “we will do our very best”.