Page 24 - CyprusToday_2011_July-September

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From left to right: Takis Nemitsas, Martino Tirimo, Louki Nemitsas, Cyprien Katsaris
music, painting, sculpture and the arts in
general, a career that has been recognised
worldwide as worthy of reward.
Every year a different area is chosen for an
award. How is this selection made?
In its first two years, the Foundation has pre-
sented awards for Health and Medicine, on 23
November 2010, and for Classical Music, on 16
November 2011.
The founding members of the Foundation and
the Board of Directors (BOD) were chosen
very carefully. One of the founding institutions
is Takis Nemitsas Investments Ltd, a company
which has allotted all of its shares to the Foun-
dation, as well as its office space and personnel.
Since our inception we have all been working
together, my wife Louki and I and the Board
of Directors, which includes Andreas Christou,
Afxentis Afxentiou, Michael Sarris, Stathis Pa-
padakis, Christos Mavrellis, Eleftherios P. Io-
annou and Agis Agapiou.
Once the Foundation was established, the Co-
ordinating Committee was created. In addition
to the founders, this committee included Pro-
fessor Antonis Constantinides of Imperial Col-
lege, London, Agis Agapiou, advocate and the
Foundation’s Secretary, and Costas Kalli, an
accountant. There were regular – almost daily –
meetings, and we worked intensively to realise
and bestow the first award within our first year.
We wanted our first award to coincide with the
anniversary of the Republic of Cyprus, so
the award would be part of the celebrations for
the first half-century of the Republic. The ac-
tive cooperation of all of our board members
resulted in our successful presentation of the
first award in Medical Sciences.